# AvaCloud Developer Hub ## Docs - [Create Plant](https://developers.avacloud.io/api-reference/endpoint/create.md): Creates a new plant in the store - [Delete Plant](https://developers.avacloud.io/api-reference/endpoint/delete.md): Deletes a single plant based on the ID supplied - [Get Plants](https://developers.avacloud.io/api-reference/endpoint/get.md): Returns all plants from the system that the user has access to - [Introduction](https://developers.avacloud.io/api-reference/introduction.md): Example section for showcasing API endpoints - [Authentication](https://developers.avacloud.io/avacloud-sdk/authentication.md) - [Cross-Chain EVM Requests](https://developers.avacloud.io/avacloud-sdk/cross-chain.md) - [Custom HTTP Client](https://developers.avacloud.io/avacloud-sdk/custom-http.md) - [Error Handling](https://developers.avacloud.io/avacloud-sdk/error.md) - [Getting Started](https://developers.avacloud.io/avacloud-sdk/getting-started.md) - [Global Parameters](https://developers.avacloud.io/avacloud-sdk/global-parameters.md) - [Pagination](https://developers.avacloud.io/avacloud-sdk/pagination.md) - [Retries](https://developers.avacloud.io/avacloud-sdk/retries.md) - [Changelog](https://developers.avacloud.io/changelog/changelog.md) - [How to get all transactions of an address](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/address-transactions.md) - [Advanced SDK Setup](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/advanced.md) - [Get logs for requests made by client](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/data-api-usage-metrics/get-logs-for-requests-made-by-client.md): Gets logs for requests made by client over a specified time interval for a specific organization. - [Get usage metrics for the Data API](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/data-api-usage-metrics/get-usage-metrics-for-the-data-api.md): Gets metrics for Data API usage over a specified time interval aggregated at the specified time-duration granularity. - [Get usage metrics for the Subnet RPC](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/data-api-usage-metrics/get-usage-metrics-for-the-subnet-rpc.md): Gets metrics for public Subnet RPC usage over a specified time interval aggregated at the specified time-duration granularity. - [Data API vs RPC](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/data-api-vs-rpc.md) - [How to get all ERC20 transfers by wallet](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/erc20-transfers.md) - [Etna Upgrade](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/etna.md) - [Get native token balance](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-balances/get-native-token-balance.md): Gets native token balance of a wallet address. Balance at a given block can be retrieved with the `blockNumber` parameter. - [List collectible (ERC-721/ERC-1155) balances](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-balances/list-collectible-erc-721erc-1155-balances.md): Lists ERC-721 and ERC-1155 token balances of a wallet address. Balance for a specific contract can be retrieved with the `contractAddress` parameter. - [List ERC-1155 balances](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-balances/list-erc-1155-balances.md): Lists ERC-1155 token balances of a wallet address. Balance at a given block can be retrieved with the `blockNumber` parameter. Balance for a specific contract can be retrieved with the `contractAddress` parameter. - [List ERC-20 balances](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-balances/list-erc-20-balances.md): Lists ERC-20 token balances of a wallet address. Balance at a given block can be retrieved with the `blockNumber` parameter. Balance for specific contracts can be retrieved with the `contractAddresses` parameter. - [List ERC-721 balances](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-balances/list-erc-721-balances.md): Lists ERC-721 token balances of a wallet address. Balance for a specific contract can be retrieved with the `contractAddress` parameter. - [Get block](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-blocks/get-block.md): Gets the details of an individual block on the EVM-compatible chain. - [List latest blocks](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-blocks/list-latest-blocks.md): Lists the latest indexed blocks on the EVM-compatible chain sorted in descending order by block timestamp. - [List latest blocks across all supported EVM chains](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-blocks/list-latest-blocks-across-all-supported-evm-chains.md): Lists the most recent blocks from all supported EVM-compatible chains. The results can be filtered by network. - [Get chain information](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-chains/get-chain-information.md): Gets chain information for the EVM-compatible chain if supported by the api. - [null](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-chains/get-chains-for-address.md): **[Deprecated]** Gets a list of all chains where the address was either a sender or receiver in a transaction or ERC transfer. The list is currently updated every 15 minutes. ⚠️ **This operation will be removed in a future release. Please use /v1/address/:address/chains endpoint instead** . - [List all chains associated with a given address](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-chains/list-all-chains-associated-with-a-given-address.md): Lists the chains where the specified address has participated in transactions or ERC token transfers, either as a sender or receiver. The data is refreshed every 15 minutes. - [List chains](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-chains/list-chains.md): Lists the supported EVM-compatible chains. Filterable by network. - [null](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-chains/list-latest-blocks-for-all-supported-evm-chains.md): **[Deprecated]** Lists the latest blocks for all supported EVM chains. Filterable by network. ⚠️ **This operation will be removed in a future release. Please use /v1/blocks endpoint instead** . - [null](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-chains/list-latest-transactions-for-all-supported-evm-chains.md): **[Deprecated]** Lists the latest transactions for all supported EVM chains. Filterable by status. ⚠️ **This operation will be removed in a future release. Please use /v1/transactions endpoint instead** . - [Get contract metadata](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-contracts/get-contract-metadata.md): Gets metadata about the contract at the given address. - [Get deployment transaction](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-transactions/get-deployment-transaction.md): If the address is a smart contract, returns the transaction in which it was deployed. - [Get transaction](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-transactions/get-transaction.md): Gets the details of a single transaction. - [List deployed contracts](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-transactions/list-deployed-contracts.md): Lists all contracts deployed by the given address. - [List ERC-1155 transfers](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-transactions/list-erc-1155-transfers.md): Lists ERC-1155 transfers for an address. Filterable by block range. - [List ERC-20 transfers](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-transactions/list-erc-20-transfers.md): Lists ERC-20 transfers for an address. Filterable by block range. - [List ERC-721 transfers](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-transactions/list-erc-721-transfers.md): Lists ERC-721 transfers for an address. Filterable by block range. - [List ERC transfers](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-transactions/list-erc-transfers.md): Lists ERC transfers for an ERC-20, ERC-721, or ERC-1155 contract address. - [List internal transactions](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-transactions/list-internal-transactions.md): Returns a list of internal transactions for an address and chain. Filterable by block range. Note that the internal transactions list only contains `CALL` or `CALLCODE` transactions with a non-zero value and `CREATE`/`CREATE2` transactions. To get a complete list of internal transactions use the `debug_` prefixed RPC methods on an archive node. - [List latest transactions](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-transactions/list-latest-transactions.md): Lists the latest transactions. Filterable by status. - [List native transactions](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-transactions/list-native-transactions.md): Lists native transactions for an address. Filterable by block range. - [List the latest transactions across all supported EVM chains](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-transactions/list-the-latest-transactions-across-all-supported-evm-chains.md): Lists the most recent transactions from all supported EVM-compatible chains. The results can be filtered based on transaction status. - [List transactions](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-transactions/list-transactions.md): Returns a list of transactions where the given wallet address had an on-chain interaction for the given chain. The ERC-20 transfers, ERC-721 transfers, ERC-1155, and internal transactions returned are only those where the input address had an interaction. Specifically, those lists only inlcude entries where the input address was the sender (`from` field) or the receiver (`to` field) for the sub-transaction. Therefore the transactions returned from this list may not be complete representations of the on-chain data. For a complete view of a transaction use the `/chains/:chainId/transactions/:txHash` endpoint. Filterable by block ranges. - [List transactions for a block](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/evm-transactions/list-transactions-for-a-block.md): Lists the transactions that occured in a given block. - [Getting Started](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/getting-started.md) - [Get logs for requests made by client](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/glacier-api-usage-metrics/get-logs-for-requests-made-by-client.md): Gets logs for requests made by client over a specified time interval for a specific organization. - [Get usage metrics for the Data API](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/glacier-api-usage-metrics/get-usage-metrics-for-the-glacier-api.md): Gets metrics for Data API usage over a specified time interval aggregated at the specified time-duration granularity. - [Get the health of the service](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/health-check/get-the-health-of-the-service.md) - [null](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/multi-chain/get-chains-for-address.md) - [null](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/multi-chain/list-latest-blocks-for-all-supported-evm-chains.md) - [null](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/multi-chain/list-latest-transactions-for-all-supported-evm-chains.md) - [How to get the native balance of an address](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/native-balance.md) - [Get token details](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/nfts/get-token-details.md): Gets token details for a specific token of an NFT contract. - [List tokens](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/nfts/list-tokens.md): Lists tokens for an NFT contract. - [Reindex NFT metadata](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/nfts/reindex-nft-metadata.md): Triggers reindexing of token metadata for an NFT token. Reindexing can only be called once per hour for each NFT token. - [Create transaction export operation](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/operations/create-transaction-export-operation.md): Trigger a transaction export operation with given parameters. The transaction export operation runs asynchronously in the background. The status of the job can be retrieved from the `/v1/operations/:operationId` endpoint using the `operationId` returned from this endpoint. - [Get operation](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/operations/get-operation.md): Gets operation details for the given operation id. - [Overview](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/overview.md) - [Get balances](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network-balances/get-balances.md): Gets primary network balances for one of the Primary Network chains for the supplied addresses. C-Chain balances returned are only the shared atomic memory balance. For EVM balance, use the `/v1/chains/:chainId/addresses/:addressId/balances:getNative` endpoint. - [Get block](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network-blocks/get-block.md): Gets a block by block height or block hash on one of the Primary Network chains. - [List blocks proposed by node](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network-blocks/list-blocks-proposed-by-node.md): Lists the latest blocks proposed by a given NodeID on one of the Primary Network chains. - [List latest blocks](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network-blocks/list-latest-blocks.md): Lists latest blocks on one of the Primary Network chains. - [List historical rewards](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network-rewards/list-historical-rewards.md): Lists historical rewards on the Primary Network for the supplied addresses. - [List pending rewards](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network-rewards/list-pending-rewards.md): Lists pending rewards on the Primary Network for the supplied addresses. - [Get transaction](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network-transactions/get-transaction.md): Gets the details of a single transaction on one of the Primary Network chains. - [List asset transactions](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network-transactions/list-asset-transactions.md): Lists asset transactions corresponding to the given asset id on the X-Chain. - [List latest transactions](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network-transactions/list-latest-transactions.md): Lists the latest transactions on one of the Primary Network chains. Transactions are filterable by addresses, txTypes, and timestamps. When querying for latest transactions without an address parameter, filtering by txTypes and timestamps is not supported. An address filter must be provided to utilize txTypes and timestamp filters. For P-Chain, you can fetch all L1 validators related transactions like ConvertSubnetToL1Tx, IncreaseL1ValidatorBalanceTx etc. using the unique L1 validation ID. These transactions are further filterable by txTypes and timestamps as well. Given that each transaction may return a large number of UTXO objects, bounded only by the maximum transaction size, the query may return less transactions than the provided page size. The result will contain less results than the page size if the number of utxos contained in the resulting transactions reach a performance threshold. - [List staking transactions](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network-transactions/list-staking-transactions.md): Lists active staking transactions on the P-Chain for the supplied addresses. - [List UTXOs](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network-utxos/list-utxos.md): Lists UTXOs on one of the Primary Network chains for the supplied addresses. - [Get vertex](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network-vertices/get-vertex.md): Gets a single vertex on the X-Chain. - [List vertices](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network-vertices/list-vertices.md): Lists latest vertices on the X-Chain. - [List vertices by height](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network-vertices/list-vertices-by-height.md): Lists vertices at the given vertex height on the X-Chain. - [Get asset details](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network/get-asset-details.md): Gets asset details corresponding to the given asset id on the X-Chain. - [Get chain interactions for addresses](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network/get-chain-interactions-for-addresses.md): Returns Primary Network chains that each address has touched in the form of an address mapped array. If an address has had any on-chain interaction for a chain, that chain's chain id will be returned. - [Get network details](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network/get-network-details.md): Gets network details such as validator and delegator stats. - [Get single validator details](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network/get-single-validator-details.md): List validator details for a single validator. Filterable by validation status. - [Get Subnet details by ID](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network/get-subnet-details-by-id.md): Get details of the Subnet registered on the network. - [List blockchains](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network/list-blockchains.md): Lists all blockchains registered on the network. - [List delegators](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network/list-delegators.md): Lists details for delegators. - [List L1 validators](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network/list-l1-validators.md): Lists details for L1 validators. By default, returns details for all active L1 validators. Filterable by validator node ids, subnet id, and validation id. - [List subnets](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network/list-subnets.md): Lists all subnets registered on the network. - [List validators](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/primary-network/list-validators.md): Lists details for validators. By default, returns details for all validators. Filterable by validator node ids and minimum delegation capacity. - [Rate Limits](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/rate-limits.md) - [Aggregate Signatures](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/signature-aggregator/aggregate-signatures.md): Aggregates Signatures for a Warp message from Subnet validators. - [Get a teleporter message](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/teleporter/get-a-teleporter-message.md): Gets a teleporter message by message ID. - [List teleporter messages](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/teleporter/list-teleporter-messages.md): Lists teleporter messages. Ordered by timestamp in descending order. - [List teleporter messages by address](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/teleporter/list-teleporter-messages-address.md): Lists teleporter messages by address. Ordered by timestamp in descending order. - [List teleporter messages by address](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/teleporter/list-teleporter-messages-by-address.md): Lists teleporter messages by address. Ordered by timestamp in descending order. - [Usage Guide](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/usage-guide.md) - [Add addresses to webhook](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/webhooks/add-addresses-to-webhook.md): Add addresses to webhook. - [Create a webhook](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/webhooks/create-a-webhook.md): Create a new webhook. - [Deactivate a webhook](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/webhooks/deactivate-a-webhook.md): Deactivates a webhook by ID. - [Generate a shared secret](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/webhooks/generate-a-shared-secret.md): Generates a new shared secret. - [Get a shared secret](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/webhooks/get-a-shared-secret.md): Get a previously generated shared secret. - [Get a webhook by ID](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/webhooks/get-a-webhook-by-id.md): Retrieves a webhook by ID. - [List adresses by webhook](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/webhooks/list-adresses-by-webhook.md): List adresses by webhook. - [List webhooks](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/webhooks/list-webhooks.md): Lists webhooks for the user. - [Remove addresses from webhook](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/webhooks/remove-addresses-from-webhook.md): Remove addresses from webhook. - [Update a webhook](https://developers.avacloud.io/data-api/webhooks/update-a-webhook.md): Updates an existing webhook. - [Code Blocks](https://developers.avacloud.io/essentials/code.md): Display inline code and code blocks - [Images and Embeds](https://developers.avacloud.io/essentials/images.md): Add image, video, and other HTML elements - [Markdown Syntax](https://developers.avacloud.io/essentials/markdown.md): Text, title, and styling in standard markdown - [Navigation](https://developers.avacloud.io/essentials/navigation.md): The navigation field in mint.json defines the pages that go in the navigation menu - [Reusable Snippets](https://developers.avacloud.io/essentials/reusable-snippets.md): Reusable, custom snippets to keep content in sync - [Global Settings](https://developers.avacloud.io/essentials/settings.md): Mintlify gives you complete control over the look and feel of your documentation using the mint.json file - [Overview](https://developers.avacloud.io/images/overview.md) - [AvaCloud Developer Documentation](https://developers.avacloud.io/introduction.md) - [Create actor token](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/actor-tokens/create-actor-token.md): Create an actor token that can be used to impersonate the given user. The `actor` parameter needs to include at least a "sub" key whose value is the ID of the actor (impersonating) user. - [Revoke actor token](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/actor-tokens/revoke-actor-token.md): Revokes a pending actor token. - [Add identifier to the allow-list](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/allow-list-block-list/add-identifier-to-the-allow-list.md): Create an identifier allowed to sign up to an instance - [Add identifier to the block-list](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/allow-list-block-list/add-identifier-to-the-block-list.md): Create an identifier that is blocked from accessing an instance - [Delete identifier from allow-list](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/allow-list-block-list/delete-identifier-from-allow-list.md): Delete an identifier from the instance allow-list - [Delete identifier from block-list](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/allow-list-block-list/delete-identifier-from-block-list.md): Delete an identifier from the instance block-list - [List all identifiers on the allow-list](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/allow-list-block-list/list-all-identifiers-on-the-allow-list.md): Get a list of all identifiers allowed to sign up to an instance - [List all identifiers on the block-list](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/allow-list-block-list/list-all-identifiers-on-the-block-list.md): Get a list of all identifiers which are not allowed to access an instance - [Update instance settings](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/beta-features/update-instance-settings.md): Updates the settings of an instance - [Update production instance domain](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/beta-features/update-production-instance-domain.md): Change the domain of a production instance. Changing the domain requires updating the [DNS records](https://clerk.com/docs/deployments/overview#dns-records) accordingly, deploying new [SSL certificates](https://clerk.com/docs/deployments/overview#deploy), updating your Social Connection's redirect URLs and setting the new keys in your code. WARNING: Changing your domain will invalidate all current user sessions (i.e. users will be logged out). Also, while your application is being deployed, a small downtime is expected to occur. - [Update production instance domain](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/beta-features/update-production-instance-domain-1.md): Change the domain of a production instance. Changing the domain requires updating the [DNS records](https://clerk.com/docs/deployments/overview#dns-records) accordingly, deploying new [SSL certificates](https://clerk.com/docs/deployments/overview#deploy), updating your Social Connection's redirect URLs and setting the new keys in your code. WARNING: Changing your domain will invalidate all current user sessions (i.e. users will be logged out). Also, while your application is being deployed, a small downtime is expected to occur. - [Get metrics for EVM chains](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/chain-metrics/get-metrics-for-evm-chains.md): Gets metrics for an EVM chain over a specified time interval aggregated at the specified time-interval granularity. - [Get rolling window metrics for EVM chains](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/chain-metrics/get-rolling-window-metrics-for-evm-chains.md): Gets the rolling window metrics for an EVM chain for the last hour, day, month, year, and all time. - [Get staking metrics for a given subnet](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/chain-metrics/get-staking-metrics-for-a-given-subnet.md): Gets staking metrics for a given subnet. - [Get teleporter metrics for EVM chains](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/chain-metrics/get-teleporter-metrics-for-evm-chains.md): Gets teleporter metrics for an EVM chain. - [Get a client](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/clients/get-a-client.md): Returns the details of a client. - [List all clients](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/clients/list-all-clients.md): Returns a list of all clients. The clients are returned sorted by creation date, with the newest clients appearing first. Warning: the endpoint is being deprecated and will be removed in future versions. - [Verify a client](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/clients/verify-a-client.md): Verifies the client in the provided token - [Add a domain](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/domains/add-a-domain.md): Add a new domain for your instance. Useful in the case of multi-domain instances, allows adding satellite domains to an instance. The new domain must have a `name`. The domain name can contain the port for development instances, like `localhost:3000`. At the moment, instances can have only one primary domain, so the `is_satellite` parameter must be set to `true`. If you're planning to configure the new satellite domain to run behind a proxy, pass the `proxy_url` parameter accordingly. - [Delete a satellite domain](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/domains/delete-a-satellite-domain.md): Deletes a satellite domain for the instance. It is currently not possible to delete the instance's primary domain. - [List all instance domains](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/domains/list-all-instance-domains.md): Use this endpoint to get a list of all domains for an instance. The response will contain the primary domain for the instance and any satellite domains. Each domain in the response contains information about the URLs where Clerk operates and the required CNAME targets. - [Update a domain](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/domains/update-a-domain.md): The `proxy_url` can be updated only for production instances. Update one of the instance's domains. Both primary and satellite domains can be updated. If you choose to use Clerk via proxy, use this endpoint to specify the `proxy_url`. Whenever you decide you'd rather switch to DNS setup for Clerk, simply set `proxy_url` to `null` for the domain. When you update a production instance's primary domain name, you have to make sure that you've completed all the necessary setup steps for DNS and emails to work. Expect downtime otherwise. Updating a primary domain's name will also update the instance's home origin, affecting the default application paths. - [List all templates](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/email-&-sms-templates/list-all-templates.md): Returns a list of all templates. The templates are returned sorted by position. - [Preview changes to a template](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/email-&-sms-templates/preview-changes-to-a-template.md): Returns a preview of a template for a given template_type, slug and body - [Retrieve a template](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/email-&-sms-templates/retrieve-a-template.md): Returns the details of a template - [Revert a template](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/email-&-sms-templates/revert-a-template.md): Reverts an updated template to its default state - [Toggle the delivery by Clerk for a template of a given type and slug](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/email-&-sms-templates/toggle-the-delivery-by-clerk-for-a-template-of-a-given-type-and-slug.md): Toggles the delivery by Clerk for a template of a given type and slug. If disabled, Clerk will not deliver the resulting email or SMS. The app developer will need to listen to the `email.created` or `sms.created` webhooks in order to handle delivery themselves. - [Update a template for a given type and slug](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/email-&-sms-templates/update-a-template-for-a-given-type-and-slug.md): Updates the existing template of the given type and slug - [Create an email address](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/email-addresses/create-an-email-address.md): Create a new email address - [Delete an email address](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/email-addresses/delete-an-email-address.md): Delete the email address with the given ID - [Retrieve an email address](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/email-addresses/retrieve-an-email-address.md): Returns the details of an email address. - [Update an email address](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/email-addresses/update-an-email-address.md): Updates an email address. - [Get a list of supported blockchains](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/evm-chains/get-a-list-of-supported-blockchains.md): Get a list of Metrics API supported blockchains. - [Get chain information for supported blockchain](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/evm-chains/get-chain-information-for-supported-blockchain.md): Get chain information for Metrics API supported blockchain. - [Getting Started](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/getting-started.md) - [Get the health of the service](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/health-check/get-the-health-of-the-service.md) - [Update instance organization settings](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/instance-settings/update-instance-organization-settings.md): Updates the organization settings of the instance - [Update instance restrictions](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/instance-settings/update-instance-restrictions.md): Updates the restriction settings of an instance - [Update instance settings](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/instance-settings/update-instance-settings.md): Updates the settings of an instance - [Create an invitation](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/invitations/create-an-invitation.md): Creates a new invitation for the given email address and sends the invitation email. Keep in mind that you cannot create an invitation if there is already one for the given email address. Also, trying to create an invitation for an email address that already exists in your application will result to an error. - [List all invitations](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/invitations/list-all-invitations.md): Returns all non-revoked invitations for your application, sorted by creation date - [Revokes an invitation](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/invitations/revokes-an-invitation.md): Revokes the given invitation. Revoking an invitation will prevent the user from using the invitation link that was sent to them. However, it doesn't prevent the user from signing up if they follow the sign up flow. Only active (i.e. non-revoked) invitations can be revoked. - [Retrieve the JSON Web Key Set of the instance](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/jwks/retrieve-the-json-web-key-set-of-the-instance.md): Retrieve the JSON Web Key Set of the instance - [Create a JWT template](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/jwt-templates/create-a-jwt-template.md): Create a new JWT template - [Delete a Template](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/jwt-templates/delete-a-template.md) - [List all templates](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/jwt-templates/list-all-templates.md) - [Retrieve a template](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/jwt-templates/retrieve-a-template.md): Retrieve the details of a given JWT template - [Update a JWT template](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/jwt-templates/update-a-jwt-template.md): Updates an existing JWT template - [Get addresses by balance over time](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/looking-glass/get-addresses-by-balance-over-time.md): Get list of addresses and their latest balances that have held more than a certain threshold of a given token during the specified time frame. - [Get addresses by BTCb bridged balance](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/looking-glass/get-addresses-by-btcb-bridged-balance.md): Get list of addresses and their net bridged amounts that have bridged more than a certain threshold. - [Get addresses running validators during a given time frame](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/looking-glass/get-addresses-running-validators-during-a-given-time-frame.md): Get list of addresses and AddValidatorTx timestamps set to receive awards for validation periods during the specified time frame. - [Returns the markup for the interstitial page](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/miscellaneous/returns-the-markup-for-the-interstitial-page.md): The Clerk interstitial endpoint serves an html page that loads clerk.js in order to check the user's authentication state. It is used by Clerk SDKs when the user's authentication state cannot be immediately determined. - [Create an OAuth application](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/oauth-applications/create-an-oauth-application.md): Creates a new OAuth application with the given name and callback URL for an instance. The callback URL must be a valid url. All URL schemes are allowed such as `http://`, `https://`, `myapp://`, etc... - [Delete an OAuth application](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/oauth-applications/delete-an-oauth-application.md): Deletes the given OAuth application. This is not reversible. - [Get a list of OAuth applications for an instance](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/oauth-applications/get-a-list-of-oauth-applications-for-an-instance.md): This request returns the list of OAuth applications for an instance. Results can be paginated using the optional `limit` and `offset` query parameters. The OAuth applications are ordered by descending creation date. Most recent OAuth applications will be returned first. - [Retrieve an OAuth application by ID](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/oauth-applications/retrieve-an-oauth-application-by-id.md): Fetches the OAuth application whose ID matches the provided `id` in the path. - [Rotate the client secret of the given OAuth application](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/oauth-applications/rotate-the-client-secret-of-the-given-oauth-application.md): Rotates the OAuth application's client secret. When the client secret is rotated, make sure to update it in authorized OAuth clients. - [Update an OAuth application](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/oauth-applications/update-an-oauth-application.md): Updates an existing OAuth application - [Bulk create and send organization invitations](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/organization-invitations/bulk-create-and-send-organization-invitations.md): Creates new organization invitations in bulk and sends out emails to the provided email addresses with a link to accept the invitation and join the organization. You can specify a different `role` for each invited organization member. New organization invitations get a "pending" status until they are revoked by an organization administrator or accepted by the invitee. The request body supports passing an optional `redirect_url` parameter for each invitation. When the invited user clicks the link to accept the invitation, they will be redirected to the provided URL. Use this parameter to implement a custom invitation acceptance flow. You must specify the ID of the user that will send the invitation with the `inviter_user_id` parameter. Each invitation can have a different inviter user. Inviter users must be members with administrator privileges in the organization. Only "admin" members can create organization invitations. You can optionally provide public and private metadata for each organization invitation. The public metadata are visible by both the Frontend and the Backend, whereas the private metadata are only visible by the Backend. When the organization invitation is accepted, the metadata will be transferred to the newly created organization membership. - [Create and send an organization invitation](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/organization-invitations/create-and-send-an-organization-invitation.md): Creates a new organization invitation and sends an email to the provided `email_address` with a link to accept the invitation and join the organization. You can specify the `role` for the invited organization member. New organization invitations get a "pending" status until they are revoked by an organization administrator or accepted by the invitee. The request body supports passing an optional `redirect_url` parameter. When the invited user clicks the link to accept the invitation, they will be redirected to the URL provided. Use this parameter to implement a custom invitation acceptance flow. You must specify the ID of the user that will send the invitation with the `inviter_user_id` parameter. That user must be a member with administrator privileges in the organization. Only "admin" members can create organization invitations. You can optionally provide public and private metadata for the organization invitation. The public metadata are visible by both the Frontend and the Backend whereas the private ones only by the Backend. When the organization invitation is accepted, the metadata will be transferred to the newly created organization membership. - [Get a list of organization invitations](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/organization-invitations/get-a-list-of-organization-invitations.md): This request returns the list of organization invitations. Results can be paginated using the optional `limit` and `offset` query parameters. You can filter them by providing the 'status' query parameter, that accepts multiple values. The organization invitations are ordered by descending creation date. Most recent invitations will be returned first. Any invitations created as a result of an Organization Domain are not included in the results. - [Get a list of pending organization invitations](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/organization-invitations/get-a-list-of-pending-organization-invitations.md): This request returns the list of organization invitations with "pending" status. These are the organization invitations that can still be used to join the organization, but have not been accepted by the invited user yet. Results can be paginated using the optional `limit` and `offset` query parameters. The organization invitations are ordered by descending creation date. Most recent invitations will be returned first. Any invitations created as a result of an Organization Domain are not included in the results. - [Retrieve an organization invitation by ID](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/organization-invitations/retrieve-an-organization-invitation-by-id.md): Use this request to get an existing organization invitation by ID. - [Revoke a pending organization invitation](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/organization-invitations/revoke-a-pending-organization-invitation.md): Use this request to revoke a previously issued organization invitation. Revoking an organization invitation makes it invalid; the invited user will no longer be able to join the organization with the revoked invitation. Only organization invitations with "pending" status can be revoked. The request needs the `requesting_user_id` parameter to specify the user which revokes the invitation. Only users with "admin" role can revoke invitations. - [Create a new organization membership](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/organization-memberships/create-a-new-organization-membership.md): Adds a user as a member to the given organization. Only users in the same instance as the organization can be added as members. This organization will be the user's [active organization] (https://clerk.com/docs/organizations/overview#active-organization) the next time they create a session, presuming they don't explicitly set a different organization as active before then. - [Get a list of all members of an organization](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/organization-memberships/get-a-list-of-all-members-of-an-organization.md): Retrieves all user memberships for the given organization - [Merge and update organization membership metadata](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/organization-memberships/merge-and-update-organization-membership-metadata.md): Update an organization membership's metadata attributes by merging existing values with the provided parameters. Metadata values will be updated via a deep merge. Deep means that any nested JSON objects will be merged as well. You can remove metadata keys at any level by setting their value to `null`. - [Remove a member from an organization](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/organization-memberships/remove-a-member-from-an-organization.md): Removes the given membership from the organization - [Update an organization membership](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/organization-memberships/update-an-organization-membership.md): Updates the properties of an existing organization membership - [Create an organization](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/organizations/create-an-organization.md): Creates a new organization with the given name for an instance. In order to successfully create an organization you need to provide the ID of the User who will become the organization administrator. You can specify an optional slug for the new organization. If provided, the organization slug can contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters (letters and digits) and the dash "-". Organization slugs must be unique for the instance. You can provide additional metadata for the organization and set any custom attribute you want. Organizations support private and public metadata. Private metadata can only be accessed from the Backend API. Public metadata can be accessed from the Backend API, and are read-only from the Frontend API. The `created_by` user will see this as their [active organization] (https://clerk.com/docs/organizations/overview#active-organization) the next time they create a session, presuming they don't explicitly set a different organization as active before then. - [Delete an organization](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/organizations/delete-an-organization.md): Deletes the given organization. Please note that deleting an organization will also delete all memberships and invitations. This is not reversible. - [Delete organizations logo](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/organizations/delete-organizations-logo.md): Delete the organization's logo. - [Get a list of organizations for an instance](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/organizations/get-a-list-of-organizations-for-an-instance.md): This request returns the list of organizations for an instance. Results can be paginated using the optional `limit` and `offset` query parameters. The organizations are ordered by descending creation date. Most recent organizations will be returned first. - [Merge and update metadata for an organization](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/organizations/merge-and-update-metadata-for-an-organization.md): Update organization metadata attributes by merging existing values with the provided parameters. Metadata values will be updated via a deep merge. Deep meaning that any nested JSON objects will be merged as well. You can remove metadata keys at any level by setting their value to `null`. - [Retrieve an organization by ID or slug](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/organizations/retrieve-an-organization-by-id-or-slug.md): Fetches the organization whose ID or slug matches the provided `id_or_slug` URL query parameter. - [Update an organization](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/organizations/update-an-organization.md): Updates an existing organization - [Upload a logo for the organization](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/organizations/upload-a-logo-for-the-organization.md): Set or replace an organization's logo, by uploading an image file. This endpoint uses the `multipart/form-data` request content type and accepts a file of image type. The file size cannot exceed 10MB. Only the following file content types are supported: `image/jpeg`, `image/png`, `image/gif`, `image/webp`, `image/x-icon`, `image/vnd.microsoft.icon`. - [Overview](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/overview.md) - [Create a phone number](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/phone-numbers/create-a-phone-number.md): Create a new phone number - [Delete a phone number](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/phone-numbers/delete-a-phone-number.md): Delete the phone number with the given ID - [Retrieve a phone number](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/phone-numbers/retrieve-a-phone-number.md): Returns the details of a phone number - [Update a phone number](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/phone-numbers/update-a-phone-number.md): Updates a phone number - [Verify the proxy configuration for your domain](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/proxy-checks/verify-the-proxy-configuration-for-your-domain.md): This endpoint can be used to validate that a proxy-enabled domain is operational. It tries to verify that the proxy URL provided in the parameters maps to a functional proxy that can reach the Clerk Frontend API. You can use this endpoint before you set a proxy URL for a domain. This way you can ensure that switching to proxy-based configuration will not lead to downtime for your instance. The `proxy_url` parameter allows for testing proxy configurations for domains that don't have a proxy URL yet, or operate on a different proxy URL than the one provided. It can also be used to re-validate a domain that is already configured to work with a proxy. - [Rate Limits](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/rate-limits.md) - [Create a redirect URL](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/redirect-urls/create-a-redirect-url.md): Create a redirect URL - [Delete a redirect URL](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/redirect-urls/delete-a-redirect-url.md): Remove the selected redirect URL from the whitelist of the instance - [List all redirect URLs](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/redirect-urls/list-all-redirect-urls.md): Lists all whitelisted redirect_urls for the instance - [Retrieve a redirect URL](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/redirect-urls/retrieve-a-redirect-url.md): Retrieve the details of the redirect URL with the given ID - [Create a SAML Connection](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/saml-connections/create-a-saml-connection.md): Create a new SAML Connection. - [Delete a SAML Connection](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/saml-connections/delete-a-saml-connection.md): Deletes the SAML Connection whose ID matches the provided `id` in the path. - [Get a list of SAML Connections for an instance](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/saml-connections/get-a-list-of-saml-connections-for-an-instance.md): Returns the list of SAML Connections for an instance. Results can be paginated using the optional `limit` and `offset` query parameters. The SAML Connections are ordered by descending creation date and the most recent will be returned first. - [Retrieve a SAML Connection by ID](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/saml-connections/retrieve-a-saml-connection-by-id.md): Fetches the SAML Connection whose ID matches the provided `saml_connection_id` in the path. - [Update a SAML Connection](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/saml-connections/update-a-saml-connection.md): Updates the SAML Connection whose ID matches the provided `id` in the path. - [Create a session token from a jwt template](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/sessions/create-a-session-token-from-a-jwt-template.md): Creates a JSON Web Token(JWT) based on a session and a JWT Template name defined for your instance - [List all sessions](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/sessions/list-all-sessions.md): Returns a list of all sessions. The sessions are returned sorted by creation date, with the newest sessions appearing first. **Deprecation Notice (2024-01-01):** All parameters were initially considered optional, however moving forward at least one of `client_id` or `user_id` parameters should be provided. - [Retrieve a session](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/sessions/retrieve-a-session.md): Retrieve the details of a session - [Revoke a session](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/sessions/revoke-a-session.md): Sets the status of a session as "revoked", which is an unauthenticated state. In multi-session mode, a revoked session will still be returned along with its client object, however the user will need to sign in again. - [Verify a session](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/sessions/verify-a-session.md): Returns the session if it is authenticated, otherwise returns an error. WARNING: This endpoint is deprecated and will be removed in future versions. We strongly recommend switching to networkless verification using short-lived session tokens, which is implemented transparently in all recent SDK versions (e.g. [NodeJS SDK](https://clerk.com/docs/backend-requests/handling/nodejs#clerk-express-require-auth)). For more details on how networkless verification works, refer to our [Session Tokens documentation](https://clerk.com/docs/backend-requests/resources/session-tokens). - [Create sign-in token](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/sign-in-tokens/create-sign-in-token.md): Creates a new sign-in token and associates it with the given user. By default, sign-in tokens expire in 30 days. You can optionally supply a different duration in seconds using the `expires_in_seconds` property. - [Revoke the given sign-in token](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/sign-in-tokens/revoke-the-given-sign-in-token.md): Revokes a pending sign-in token - [Update a sign-up](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/sign-ups/update-a-sign-up.md): Update the sign-up with the given ID - [Retrieve a new testing token](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/testing-tokens/retrieve-a-new-testing-token.md): Retrieve a new testing token. Only available for development instances. - [Usage Guide](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/usage-guide.md) - [Ban a user](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/users/ban-a-user.md): Marks the given user as banned, which means that all their sessions are revoked and they are not allowed to sign in again. - [Count users](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/users/count-users.md): Returns a total count of all users that match the given filtering criteria. - [Create a new user](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/users/create-a-new-user.md): Creates a new user. Your user management settings determine how you should setup your user model. Any email address and phone number created using this method will be marked as verified. Note: If you are performing a migration, check out our guide on [zero downtime migrations](https://clerk.com/docs/deployments/migrate-overview). A rate limit rule of 20 requests per 10 seconds is applied to this endpoint. - [Delete a user](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/users/delete-a-user.md): Delete the specified user - [Delete user profile image](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/users/delete-user-profile-image.md): Delete a user's profile image - [Disable a user's MFA methods](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/users/disable-a-users-mfa-methods.md): Disable all of a user's MFA methods (e.g. OTP sent via SMS, TOTP on their authenticator app) at once. - [List all users](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/users/list-all-users.md): Returns a list of all users. The users are returned sorted by creation date, with the newest users appearing first. - [Lock a user](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/users/lock-a-user.md): Marks the given user as locked, which means they are not allowed to sign in again until the lock expires. Lock duration can be configured in the instance's restrictions settings. - [Merge and update a user's metadata](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/users/merge-and-update-a-users-metadata.md): Update a user's metadata attributes by merging existing values with the provided parameters. This endpoint behaves differently than the *Update a user* endpoint. Metadata values will not be replaced entirely. Instead, a deep merge will be performed. Deep means that any nested JSON objects will be merged as well. You can remove metadata keys at any level by setting their value to `null`. - [Retrieve a user](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/users/retrieve-a-user.md): Retrieve the details of a user - [Retrieve all memberships for a user](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/users/retrieve-all-memberships-for-a-user.md): Retrieve a paginated list of the user's organization memberships - [Retrieve the OAuth access token of a user](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/users/retrieve-the-oauth-access-token-of-a-user.md): Fetch the corresponding OAuth access token for a user that has previously authenticated with a particular OAuth provider. For OAuth 2.0, if the access token has expired and we have a corresponding refresh token, the access token will be refreshed transparently the new one will be returned. - [Set user profile image](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/users/set-user-profile-image.md): Update a user's profile image - [Unban a user](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/users/unban-a-user.md): Removes the ban mark from the given user. - [Unlock a user](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/users/unlock-a-user.md): Removes the lock from the given user. - [Update a user](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/users/update-a-user.md): Update a user's attributes. You can set the user's primary contact identifiers (email address and phone numbers) by updating the `primary_email_address_id` and `primary_phone_number_id` attributes respectively. Both IDs should correspond to verified identifications that belong to the user. You can remove a user's username by setting the username attribute to null or the blank string "". This is a destructive action; the identification will be deleted forever. Usernames can be removed only if they are optional in your instance settings and there's at least one other identifier which can be used for authentication. This endpoint allows changing a user's password. When passing the `password` parameter directly you have two further options. You can ignore the password policy checks for your instance by setting the `skip_password_checks` parameter to `true`. You can also choose to sign the user out of all their active sessions on any device once the password is updated. Just set `sign_out_of_other_sessions` to `true`. - [Verify a TOTP or backup code for a user](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/users/verify-a-totp-or-backup-code-for-a-user.md): Verify that the provided TOTP or backup code is valid for the user. Verifying a backup code will result it in being consumed (i.e. it will become invalid). Useful for custom auth flows and re-verification. - [Verify the password of a user](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/users/verify-the-password-of-a-user.md): Check that the user's password matches the supplied input. Useful for custom auth flows and re-verification. - [Create a Svix app](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/webhooks/create-a-svix-app.md): Create a Svix app and associate it with the current instance - [Create a Svix Dashboard URL](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/webhooks/create-a-svix-dashboard-url.md): Generate a new url for accessing the Svix's management dashboard for that particular instance - [Delete a Svix app](https://developers.avacloud.io/metrics-api/webhooks/delete-a-svix-app.md): Delete a Svix app and disassociate it from the current instance - [Delete plants](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/delete-plants.md): Deletes a single plant based on the ID supplied - [Track ERC-20 Transfers](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/erc20-transfers.md) - [Track ERC-721 Transfers](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/erc721-transfers.md) - [Ethers vs Webhooks](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/ethers-vs-webhooks.md) - [Get plants](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/get-plants.md): Returns all plants from the system that the user has access to - [Getting Started](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/getting-started.md) - [Monitoring multiple addresses](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/multiple.md) - [Overview](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/overview.md) - [Post plants](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/post-plants.md): Creates a new plant in the store - [Send Push notification](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/push-notifications.md) - [Rate Limits](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/rate-limits.md) - [Retry mechanism](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/retries.md) - [Webhook Signature](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/signature.md) - [Supported EVM Chains](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/supported-chains.md) - [Add addresses to webhook](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/webhooks/add-addresses-to-webhook.md): Add addresses to webhook. - [Create a webhook](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/webhooks/create-a-webhook.md): Create a new webhook. - [Deactivate a webhook](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/webhooks/deactivate-a-webhook.md): Deactivates a webhook by ID. - [Generate a shared secret](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/webhooks/generate-a-shared-secret.md): Generates a new shared secret. - [Get a shared secret](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/webhooks/get-a-shared-secret.md): Get a previously generated shared secret. - [Get a webhook by ID](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/webhooks/get-a-webhook-by-id.md): Retrieves a webhook by ID. - [List adresses by webhook](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/webhooks/list-adresses-by-webhook.md): List adresses by webhook. - [List webhooks](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/webhooks/list-webhooks.md): Lists webhooks for the user. - [Remove addresses from webhook](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/webhooks/remove-addresses-from-webhook.md): Remove addresses from webhook. - [Update a webhook](https://developers.avacloud.io/webhooks-api/webhooks/update-a-webhook.md): Updates an existing webhook. ## Optional - [Community](https://discord.gg/avax) - [Avalanche Docs](https://docs.avax.network/) - [Avalanche Academy](https://academy.avax.network/)