Advanced SDK Setup
Glacier’s rate limiting is handled using a weighted scoring system. This allows users to make more basic requests and will better allow Glacier to handle more computationally complex requests.
Rate Limit Tiers The maximum rate-limiting score for a user depends on their subscription level and is delineated in the following table:
Subscription Level Per Minute Limit Per Day Limit
Subscription Level | Per Minute Limit | Per Day Limit |
Free | 8,000 | 2,00,000 |
Base | 10,000 | 3,750,000 |
Growth | 14,000 | 11,200,000 |
Pro | 20,000 | 25,000,000 |
To update your subscription level use the AvaCloud Portal |
Rate Limit Categories
The keys and values for each weight are as follows:
Weight | Value |
Free | 1 |
Small | 10 |
Medium | 20 |
Large | 50 |
XL | 100 |
XXL | 200 |
Rate Limits for Glacier Endpoints
The weights for each route are defined in the table below:
Endpoint | Method | Weight |
/v1/chains | GET | Free |
/v1/chains/ | GET | Free |
/v1/chains//blocks | GET | Small |
/v1/chains//blocks/ | GET | Small |
/v1/chains//contracts//transactions:getDeployment | GET | Medium |
/v1/chains//contracts//deployments | GET | Medium |
/v1/chains//tokens//transfers | GET | Medium |
/v1/chains//addresses//transactions | GET | Medium |
/v1/chains//addresses//transactions:listNative | GET | Medium |
/v1/chains//addresses//transactions:listErc20 | GET | Medium |
/v1/chains//addresses//transactions:listErc721 | GET | Medium |
/v1/chains//addresses//transactions:listErc1155 | GET | Medium |
/v1/chains//addresses//transactions:listInternals | GET | Medium |
/v1/chains//transactions/ | GET | Medium |
/v1/chains//blocks//transactions | GET | Medium |
/v1/chains//transactions | GET | Medium |
/v1/chains//addresses//balances:getNative | GET | Medium |
/v1/chains//addresses//balances:listErc20 | GET | Medium |
/v1/chains//addresses//balances:listErc721 | GET | Medium |
/v1/chains//addresses//balances:listErc1155 | GET | Medium |
/v1/chains//addresses//balances:listCollectibles | GET | Medium |
/v1/chains//addresses/ | GET | Medium |
/v1/networks//blockchains//assets/ | GET | XL |
/v1/networks//addresses:listChainIds | GET | XL |
/v1/networks/ | GET | XL |
/v1/networks//blockchains | GET | Medium |
/v1/networks//subnets | GET | Medium |
/v1/networks//validators | GET | Medium |
/v1/networks//validators/ | GET | Medium |
/v1/networks//delegators | GET | Medium |
/v1/networks//blockchains//blocks/ | GET | Medium |
/v1/networks//blockchains//nodes//blocks | GET | Medium |
/v1/networks//blockchains//blocks | GET | Medium |
/v1/networks//blockchains//vertices | GET | Medium |
/v1/networks//blockchains//vertices/ | GET | Medium |
/v1/networks//blockchains//vertices:listByHeight | GET | Medium |
/v1/networks//blockchains//transactions/ | GET | Medium |
/v1/networks//blockchains//transactions | GET | XL |
/v1/networks//blockchains//transactions:listStaking | GET | XL |
/v1/networks//blockchains//assets//transactions | GET | XL |
/v1/networks//blockchains//balances | GET | XL |
/v1/networks//blockchains//utxos | GET | XL |
/v1/networks//rewards:listPending | GET | XL |
/v1/networks//rewards | GET | XL |
/v1/chains//nfts/collections//tokens/:reindex | POST | Small |
/v1/chains//nfts/collections//tokens | GET | Medium |
/v1/chains//nfts/collections//tokens/ | GET | Medium |
/v1/operations/ | GET | Small |
/v1/operations/transactions:export | POST | Medium |
/v1/health-check | GET | Small |
/v1/teleporter/messages/ | GET | Medium |
/v1/teleporter/messages | GET | Medium |
/v1/webhooks | POST | Medium |
/v1/webhooks | GET | Small |
/v1/webhooks/ | GET | Small |
/v1/webhooks/ | DELETE | Medium |
/v1/webhooks/ | PATCH | Medium |
/v1/webhooks:generateOrRotateSharedSecret | POST | Medium |
/v1/webhooks:getSharedSecret | GET | Small |
Rate Limits for RPC endpoints
The weights for RPC calls will be calculated based on the RPC method(s) within the request. The methods are weighted as follows:
Method | Weight |
eth_accounts | Medium |
eth_blockNumber | Small |
eth_call | Small |
eth_coinbase | Small |
eth_chainId | Free |
eth_gasPrice | Small |
eth_getBalance | Small |
eth_getBlockByHash | Small |
eth_getBlockByNumber | Small |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber | Medium |
eth_getCode | Medium |
eth_getLogs | XXL |
eth_getStorageAt | Medium |
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | Medium |
eth_getTransactionByHash | Small |
eth_getTransactionCount | Small |
eth_getTransactionReceipt | Small |
eth_sendRawTransaction | Small |
eth_syncing | Free |
net_listening | Free |
net_version | Free |
web3_clientVersion | Small |
web3_sha3 | Small |
eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas | Small |
eth_baseFee | Small |
rpc_modules | Free |
eth_getChainConfig | Small |
eth_feeConfig | Small |
eth_getActivePrecompilesAt | Small |
All rate limits, weights, and values are subject to change
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