Rate Limits
Rate limiting is managed through a weighted scoring system, known as Compute Units (CUs). Each API request consumes a specified number of CUs, determined by the complexity of the request. This system is designed to accommodate basic requests while efficiently handling more computationally intensive operations.
Rate Limit Tiers
The maximum CUs (rate-limiting score) for a user depends on their subscription level and is delineated in the following table:
Subscription Level | Per Minute Limit (CUs) | Per Day Limit (CUs) |
Unauthenticated | 6,000 | 1,200,000 |
Free | 8,000 | 2,000,000 |
Base | 10,000 | 3,750,000 |
Growth | 14,000 | 11,200,000 |
Pro | 20,000 | 25,000,000 |
To update your subscription level use the AvaCloud Portal
Rate Limit Categories
The CUs for each category are defined in the following table:
Weight | CU Value |
Free | 1 |
Small | 10 |
Medium | 20 |
Large | 50 |
XL | 100 |
XXL | 200 |
Rate Limits for Data API Endpoints
The CUs for each route are defined in the table below:
Endpoint | Method | Weight | CU Value |
/v1/health-check | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/address/{address}/chains | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/transactions | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/blocks | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/nfts/collections/{address}/tokens/{tokenId}:reindex | POST | Small | 10 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/nfts/collections/{address}/tokens | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/nfts/collections/{address}/tokens/{tokenId} | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/operations/{operationId} | GET | Small | 10 |
/v1/operations/transactions:export | POST | Medium | 20 |
/v1/networks/{network}/blockchains/{blockchainId}/transactions/{txHash} | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/networks/{network}/blockchains/{blockchainId}/transactions | GET | XL | 100 |
/v1/networks/{network}/blockchains/{blockchainId}/transactions:listStaking | GET | XL | 100 |
/v1/networks/{network}/rewards:listPending | GET | XL | 100 |
/v1/networks/{network}/rewards | GET | XL | 100 |
/v1/networks/{network}/blockchains/{blockchainId}/utxos | GET | XL | 100 |
/v1/networks/{network}/blockchains/{blockchainId}/balances | GET | XL | 100 |
/v1/networks/{network}/blockchains/{blockchainId}/blocks/{blockId} | GET | XL | 100 |
/v1/networks/{network}/blockchains/{blockchainId}/nodes/{nodeId}/blocks | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/networks/{network}/blockchains/{blockchainId}/blocks | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/networks/{network}/blockchains/{blockchainId}/vertices | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/networks/{network}/blockchains/{blockchainId}/vertices/{vertexHash} | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/networks/{network}/blockchains/{blockchainId}/vertices:listByHeight | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/networks/{network}/blockchains/{blockchainId}/assets/{assetId} | GET | XL | 100 |
/v1/networks/{network}/blockchains/{blockchainId}/assets/{assetId}/transactions | GET | XL | 100 |
/v1/networks/{network}/addresses:listChainIds | GET | XL | 100 |
/v1/networks/{network} | GET | XL | 100 |
/v1/networks/{network}/blockchains | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/networks/{network}/subnets | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/networks/{network}/subnets/{subnetId} | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/networks/{network}/validators | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/networks/{network}/validators/{nodeId} | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/networks/{network}/delegators | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/networks/{network}/l1Validators | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/teleporter/messages/{messageId} | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/teleporter/messages | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/teleporter/addresses/{address}/messages | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/icm/messages/{messageId} | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/icm/messages | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/icm/addresses/{address}/messages | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/apiUsageMetrics | GET | XXL | 200 |
/v1/apiLogs | GET | XXL | 200 |
/v1/subnetRpcUsageMetrics | GET | XXL | 200 |
/v1/rpcUsageMetrics | GET | XXL | 200 |
/v1/primaryNetworkRpcUsageMetrics | GET | XXL | 200 |
/v1/signatureAggregator/{network}/aggregateSignatures | POST | Medium | 20 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/addresses/{address}/balances:getNative | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/addresses/{address}/balances:listErc20 | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/addresses/{address}/balances:listErc721 | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/addresses/{address}/balances:listErc1155 | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/addresses/{address}/balances:listCollectibles | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/blocks | GET | Small | 10 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/blocks/{blockId} | GET | Small | 10 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/contracts/{address}/transactions:getDeployment | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/contracts/{address}/deployments | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/addresses/{address} | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/chains | GET | Free | 1 |
/v1/chains/{chainId} | GET | Free | 1 |
/v1/chains/address/{address} | GET | Free | 1 |
/v1/chains/allTransactions | GET | Free | 1 |
/v1/chains/allBlocks | GET | Free | 1 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/tokens/{address}/transfers | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/addresses/{address}/transactions | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/addresses/{address}/transactions:listNative | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/addresses/{address}/transactions:listErc20 | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/addresses/{address}/transactions:listErc721 | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/addresses/{address}/transactions:listErc1155 | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/addresses/{address}/transactions:listInternals | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/transactions/{txHash} | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/blocks/{blockId}/transactions | GET | Medium | 20 |
/v1/chains/{chainId}/transactions | GET | Medium | 20 |
Rate Limits for RPC endpoints
The CUs for RPC calls are calculated based on the RPC method(s) within the request. The CUs assigned to each method are defined in the table below:
Method | Weight | CU Value |
eth_accounts | Free | 1 |
eth_blockNumber | Small | 10 |
eth_call | Small | 10 |
eth_coinbase | Small | 10 |
eth_chainId | Free | 1 |
eth_gasPrice | Small | 10 |
eth_getBalance | Small | 10 |
eth_getBlockByHash | Small | 10 |
eth_getBlockByNumber | Small | 10 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber | Medium | 20 |
eth_getCode | Medium | 20 |
eth_getLogs | XXL | 200 |
eth_getStorageAt | Medium | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | Medium | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByHash | Small | 10 |
eth_getTransactionCount | Small | 10 |
eth_getTransactionReceipt | Small | 10 |
eth_signTransaction | Medium | 20 |
eth_sendTransaction | Medium | 20 |
eth_sign | Medium | 20 |
eth_sendRawTransaction | Small | 10 |
eth_syncing | Free | 1 |
net_listening | Free | 1 |
net_peerCount | Medium | 20 |
net_version | Free | 1 |
web3_clientVersion | Small | 10 |
web3_sha3 | Small | 10 |
eth_newPendingTransactionFilter | Medium | 20 |
eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas | Small | 10 |
eth_baseFee | Small | 10 |
rpc_modules | Free | 1 |
eth_getChainConfig | Small | 10 |
eth_feeConfig | Small | 10 |
eth_getActivePrecompilesAt | Small | 10 |
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