Get transaction
Gets the details of a single transaction on one of the Primary Network chains.
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Path Parameters
A primary network blockchain id or alias.
, 2oYMBNV4eNHyqk2fjjV5nVQLDbtmNJzq5s3qs3Lo6ftnC6FByM
, 2JVSBoinj9C2J33VntvzYtVJNZdN2NKiwwKjcumHUWEb5DbBrm
, 2piQ2AVHCjnduiWXsSY15DtbVuwHE2cwMHYnEXHsLL73BBkdbV
, 2q9e4r6Mu3U68nU1fYjgbR6JvwrRx36CohpAX5UQxse55x1Q5
, yH8D7ThNJkxmtkuv2jgBa4P1Rn3Qpr4pPr7QYNfcdoS6k6HWp
, vV3cui1DsEPC3nLCGH9rorwo8s6BYxM2Hz4QFE5gEYjwTqAu
, p-chain
, x-chain
, c-chain
Either mainnet or testnet/fuji.
, fuji
, testnet
, devnet
A primary network (P or X chain) transaction hash.
A P-Chain transaction hash.
, AddSubnetValidatorTx
, AddDelegatorTx
, CreateChainTx
, CreateSubnetTx
, ImportTx
, ExportTx
, AdvanceTimeTx
, RewardValidatorTx
, RemoveSubnetValidatorTx
, TransformSubnetTx
, AddPermissionlessValidatorTx
, AddPermissionlessDelegatorTx
, BaseTx
, TransferSubnetOwnershipTx
, ConvertSubnetToL1Tx
, RegisterL1ValidatorTx
, SetL1ValidatorWeightTx
, DisableL1ValidatorTx
, IncreaseL1ValidatorBalanceTx
The block finality timestamp.
The height of the block in which the transaction was included
The consumed UTXOs of the transaction
The newly created UTXOs of the transaction
A list of objects containing P-chain Asset basic info and the amount of that Asset ID. The amount of nAVAX present in the newly created UTXOs of the transaction
A list of objects containing P-chain Asset basic info and the amount of that Asset ID. The nAVAX amount burned in a transaction, partially or fully contributing to the transaction fee
A list of objects containing P-chain Asset basic info and the amount of that Asset ID. Present for AddValidatorTx, AddPermissionlessValidatorTx, AddDelegatorTx
A list of objects containing P-chain Asset basic info and the amount of that Asset ID. The amount of nAVAX locked for pay-as-you-go continuous fees to sustain L1 validation.
Source chain for an atomic transaction.
Destination chain for an atomic transaction.
Present for AddValidatorTx, AddSubnetValidatorTx, AddPermissionlessValidatorTx, AddDelegatorTx
Present for AddValidatorTx, AddSubnetValidatorTx, AddPermissionlessValidatorTx, AddDelegatorTx
The percentage of total estimated delegator rewards allocated to validator nodes for supporting delegations. Present for AddValidatorTx, AddPermissionlessValidatorTx
The NodeID of the validator node linked to the stake transaction. Present for AddValidatorTx, AddSubnetValidatorTx, RemoveSubnetValidatorTx, AddPermissionlessValidatorTx, AddDelegatorTx
Present for AddValidatorTx, AddSubnetValidatorTx, RemoveSubnetValidatorTx, AddPermissionlessValidatorTx, AddDelegatorTx, CreateChainTx, CreateSubnetTx
Details of the L1's validator manager contract and blockchain. Present for the ConvertSubnetToL1Tx which transforms a subnet into L1
Details of L1 validators registered or changed in the current transaction. The details reflect the state at the time of the transaction, not in real-time
Estimated reward from the staking transaction, if successful. Present for AddValidatorTx, AddPermissionlessValidatorTx, AddDelegatorTx
Reward transaction hash for the completed validations or delegations
Staking transaction corresponding to the RewardValidatorTx
Subnet owner details for the CreateSubnetTx or TransferSubnetOwnershipTx
Public Key and PoP of new validator registrations. Present for AddPermissionlessValidatorTx
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