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List latest transactions
Lists the latest transactions on one of the Primary Network chains.
Transactions are filterable by addresses, txTypes, and timestamps. When querying for latest transactions without an address parameter, filtering by txTypes and timestamps is not supported. An address filter must be provided to utilize txTypes and timestamp filters.
For P-Chain, you can fetch all L1 validators related transactions like ConvertSubnetToL1Tx, IncreaseL1ValidatorBalanceTx etc. using the unique L1 validation ID. These transactions are further filterable by txTypes and timestamps as well.
Given that each transaction may return a large number of UTXO objects, bounded only by the maximum transaction size, the query may return less transactions than the provided page size. The result will contain less results than the page size if the number of utxos contained in the resulting transactions reach a performance threshold.
import { AvaCloudSDK } from "@avalabs/avacloud-sdk";
const avaCloudSDK = new AvaCloudSDK({
serverURL: "",
chainId: "43114",
network: "mainnet",
async function run() {
const result = await{
addresses: "avax1h2ccj9f5ay5acl6tyn9mwmw32p8wref8vl8ctg",
txTypes: [
startTimestamp: 1689541049,
endTimestamp: 1689800249,
blockchainId: "p-chain",
network: "mainnet",
sortOrder: "asc",
for await (const page of result) {
// Handle the page
"nextPageToken": "<string>",
"transactions": [
"txHash": "3P91K6nuDFvDodcRuJTsgdf9SvYe5pMiKk38HppsoeAiEztCP",
"txType": "AddDelegatorTx",
"blockTimestamp": 1648672486,
"blockNumber": "<string>",
"blockHash": "<string>",
"consumedUtxos": [
"addresses": [
"asset": {
"assetId": "th5aLdWLi32yS9ED6uLGoMMubqHjzMsXhKWwzP6yZTYQKYzof",
"name": "Avalanche",
"symbol": "AVAX",
"denomination": 9,
"type": "secp256k1",
"amount": "5001000"
"consumedOnChainId": "2oYMBNV4eNHyqk2fjjV5nVQLDbtmNJzq5s3qs3Lo6ftnC6FByM",
"consumingTxHash": "3j9JpF1aGuQtLLbo3YkvvKkWrCZViXZjdeJQWUSEY5hcqUn2c",
"createdOnChainId": "2oYMBNV4eNHyqk2fjjV5nVQLDbtmNJzq5s3qs3Lo6ftnC6FByM",
"utxoId": "68vLva9kfKUsX88ZPM8jdbf8qHUZRoZSFH6NdpAVTspkfrXDC",
"amount": "<string>",
"assetId": "<string>",
"blockNumber": "<string>",
"blockTimestamp": 123,
"consumingBlockNumber": "<string>",
"consumingBlockTimestamp": 123,
"platformLocktime": 123,
"outputIndex": 123,
"rewardType": "VALIDATOR",
"stakeableLocktime": 123,
"staked": true,
"threshold": 123,
"txHash": "<string>",
"utxoEndTimestamp": 123,
"utxoStartTimestamp": 123,
"utxoType": "STAKE"
"emittedUtxos": [
"addresses": [
"asset": {
"assetId": "th5aLdWLi32yS9ED6uLGoMMubqHjzMsXhKWwzP6yZTYQKYzof",
"name": "Avalanche",
"symbol": "AVAX",
"denomination": 9,
"type": "secp256k1",
"amount": "5001000"
"consumedOnChainId": "2oYMBNV4eNHyqk2fjjV5nVQLDbtmNJzq5s3qs3Lo6ftnC6FByM",
"consumingTxHash": "3j9JpF1aGuQtLLbo3YkvvKkWrCZViXZjdeJQWUSEY5hcqUn2c",
"createdOnChainId": "2oYMBNV4eNHyqk2fjjV5nVQLDbtmNJzq5s3qs3Lo6ftnC6FByM",
"utxoId": "68vLva9kfKUsX88ZPM8jdbf8qHUZRoZSFH6NdpAVTspkfrXDC",
"amount": "<string>",
"assetId": "<string>",
"blockNumber": "<string>",
"blockTimestamp": 123,
"consumingBlockNumber": "<string>",
"consumingBlockTimestamp": 123,
"platformLocktime": 123,
"outputIndex": 123,
"rewardType": "VALIDATOR",
"stakeableLocktime": 123,
"staked": true,
"threshold": 123,
"txHash": "<string>",
"utxoEndTimestamp": 123,
"utxoStartTimestamp": 123,
"utxoType": "STAKE"
"sourceChain": "2oYMBNV4eNHyqk2fjjV5nVQLDbtmNJzq5s3qs3Lo6ftnC6FByM",
"destinationChain": "2oYMBNV4eNHyqk2fjjV5nVQLDbtmNJzq5s3qs3Lo6ftnC6FByM",
"value": [
"assetId": "th5aLdWLi32yS9ED6uLGoMMubqHjzMsXhKWwzP6yZTYQKYzof",
"name": "Avalanche",
"symbol": "AVAX",
"denomination": 9,
"type": "secp256k1",
"amount": "5001000"
"amountBurned": [
"assetId": "th5aLdWLi32yS9ED6uLGoMMubqHjzMsXhKWwzP6yZTYQKYzof",
"name": "Avalanche",
"symbol": "AVAX",
"denomination": 9,
"type": "secp256k1",
"amount": "5001000"
"amountStaked": [
"assetId": "th5aLdWLi32yS9ED6uLGoMMubqHjzMsXhKWwzP6yZTYQKYzof",
"name": "Avalanche",
"symbol": "AVAX",
"denomination": 9,
"type": "secp256k1",
"amount": "5001000"
"amountL1ValidatorBalanceBurned": [
"assetId": "th5aLdWLi32yS9ED6uLGoMMubqHjzMsXhKWwzP6yZTYQKYzof",
"name": "Avalanche",
"symbol": "AVAX",
"denomination": 9,
"type": "secp256k1",
"amount": "5001000"
"startTimestamp": 123,
"endTimestamp": 123,
"delegationFeePercent": "<string>",
"nodeId": "<string>",
"subnetId": "<string>",
"l1ValidatorManagerDetails": {
"blockchainId": "<string>",
"contractAddress": "<string>"
"l1ValidatorDetails": [
"validationId": "<string>",
"nodeId": "<string>",
"subnetId": "<string>",
"weight": 123,
"remainingBalance": 123,
"balanceChange": 123,
"blsCredentials": {}
"estimatedReward": "<string>",
"rewardTxHash": "<string>",
"rewardAddresses": [
"memo": "<string>",
"stakingTxHash": "<string>",
"subnetOwnershipInfo": {
"locktime": 0,
"threshold": 1,
"addresses": [
"blsCredentials": {
"publicKey": "<string>",
"proofOfPossession": "<string>"
"chainInfo": {
"chainName": "p-chain",
"network": "mainnet"
Api keys provide higher access to rate limits. To obtain an api key, sign up for an account at
Path Parameters
A primary network blockchain id or alias.
, 2oYMBNV4eNHyqk2fjjV5nVQLDbtmNJzq5s3qs3Lo6ftnC6FByM
, 2JVSBoinj9C2J33VntvzYtVJNZdN2NKiwwKjcumHUWEb5DbBrm
, 2piQ2AVHCjnduiWXsSY15DtbVuwHE2cwMHYnEXHsLL73BBkdbV
, 2q9e4r6Mu3U68nU1fYjgbR6JvwrRx36CohpAX5UQxse55x1Q5
, yH8D7ThNJkxmtkuv2jgBa4P1Rn3Qpr4pPr7QYNfcdoS6k6HWp
, vV3cui1DsEPC3nLCGH9rorwo8s6BYxM2Hz4QFE5gEYjwTqAu
, p-chain
, x-chain
, c-chain
Either mainnet or testnet/fuji.
, fuji
, testnet
, devnet
Query Parameters
A comma separated list of X-Chain or P-Chain wallet addresses, starting with "avax"/"fuji", "P-avax"/"P-fuji" or "X-avax"/"X-fuji". Also accepts EVM formatted addresses starting with "0x" for C-Chain-related atomic transaction lookups.
Query param for filtering items based on transaction types.
, AddSubnetValidatorTx
, AddDelegatorTx
, CreateChainTx
, CreateSubnetTx
, ImportTx
, ExportTx
, AdvanceTimeTx
, RewardValidatorTx
, RemoveSubnetValidatorTx
, TransformSubnetTx
, AddPermissionlessValidatorTx
, AddPermissionlessDelegatorTx
, BaseTx
, TransferSubnetOwnershipTx
, ConvertSubnetToL1Tx
, RegisterL1ValidatorTx
, SetL1ValidatorWeightTx
, DisableL1ValidatorTx
, IncreaseL1ValidatorBalanceTx
, CreateAssetTx
, OperationTx
Query param for retrieving items after a specific timestamp.
x >= 0
Query param for retrieving items before a specific timestamp.
x >= 0
A page token, received from a previous list call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page.
The maximum number of items to return. The minimum page size is 1. The maximum pageSize is 100.
1 <= x <= 100
The order by which to sort results. Use "asc" for ascending order, "desc" for descending order. Sorted by timestamp or the sortBy
query parameter, if provided.
, desc
A P-Chain transaction hash.
, AddSubnetValidatorTx
, AddDelegatorTx
, CreateChainTx
, CreateSubnetTx
, ImportTx
, ExportTx
, AdvanceTimeTx
, RewardValidatorTx
, RemoveSubnetValidatorTx
, TransformSubnetTx
, AddPermissionlessValidatorTx
, AddPermissionlessDelegatorTx
, BaseTx
, TransferSubnetOwnershipTx
, ConvertSubnetToL1Tx
, RegisterL1ValidatorTx
, SetL1ValidatorWeightTx
, DisableL1ValidatorTx
, IncreaseL1ValidatorBalanceTx
The block finality timestamp.
The height of the block in which the transaction was included
The consumed UTXOs of the transaction
Addresses that are eligible to sign the consumption of this output.
Unique ID for an asset.
Name of this asset.
Symbol for this asset (max 4 characters).
Denomination of this asset to represent fungibility.
Type of asset like SECP256K1 or NFT.
, nft
Amount of the asset.
Blockchain ID on which this output is consumed on.
Blockchain ID on which this output is created on.
UTXO ID for this output.
The index of the UTXO in the transaction
The hash of the transaction that created this UTXO
Indicates whether the UTXO is staked or transferable
Transaction ID that consumed this output.
Block height in which the transaction consuming this UTXO was included
Timestamp in seconds at which this UTXO is used in a consuming transaction
Timestamp in seconds after which this UTXO can be consumed
Timestamp in seconds before which a UTXO can only be used for staking transactions. After stakeable locktime, a UTXO can be used for anything
The minimum number of signatures required to spend this UTXO
Timestamp in seconds after which the staked UTXO will be unlocked.
Timestamp in seconds at which the staked UTXO was locked.
The newly created UTXOs of the transaction
Addresses that are eligible to sign the consumption of this output.
Unique ID for an asset.
Name of this asset.
Symbol for this asset (max 4 characters).
Denomination of this asset to represent fungibility.
Type of asset like SECP256K1 or NFT.
, nft
Amount of the asset.
Blockchain ID on which this output is consumed on.
Blockchain ID on which this output is created on.
UTXO ID for this output.
The index of the UTXO in the transaction
The hash of the transaction that created this UTXO
Indicates whether the UTXO is staked or transferable
Transaction ID that consumed this output.
Block height in which the transaction consuming this UTXO was included
Timestamp in seconds at which this UTXO is used in a consuming transaction
Timestamp in seconds after which this UTXO can be consumed
Timestamp in seconds before which a UTXO can only be used for staking transactions. After stakeable locktime, a UTXO can be used for anything
The minimum number of signatures required to spend this UTXO
Timestamp in seconds after which the staked UTXO will be unlocked.
Timestamp in seconds at which the staked UTXO was locked.
A list of objects containing P-chain Asset basic info and the amount of that Asset ID. The amount of nAVAX present in the newly created UTXOs of the transaction
Unique ID for an asset.
Name of this asset.
Symbol for this asset (max 4 characters).
Denomination of this asset to represent fungibility.
Type of asset like SECP256K1 or NFT.
, nft
Amount of the asset.
A list of objects containing P-chain Asset basic info and the amount of that Asset ID. The nAVAX amount burned in a transaction, partially or fully contributing to the transaction fee
Unique ID for an asset.
Name of this asset.
Symbol for this asset (max 4 characters).
Denomination of this asset to represent fungibility.
Type of asset like SECP256K1 or NFT.
, nft
Amount of the asset.
A list of objects containing P-chain Asset basic info and the amount of that Asset ID. Present for AddValidatorTx, AddPermissionlessValidatorTx, AddDelegatorTx
Unique ID for an asset.
Name of this asset.
Symbol for this asset (max 4 characters).
Denomination of this asset to represent fungibility.
Type of asset like SECP256K1 or NFT.
, nft
Amount of the asset.
A list of objects containing P-chain Asset basic info and the amount of that Asset ID. The amount of nAVAX locked for pay-as-you-go continuous fees to sustain L1 validation.
Unique ID for an asset.
Name of this asset.
Symbol for this asset (max 4 characters).
Denomination of this asset to represent fungibility.
Type of asset like SECP256K1 or NFT.
, nft
Amount of the asset.
Source chain for an atomic transaction.
Destination chain for an atomic transaction.
Present for AddValidatorTx, AddSubnetValidatorTx, AddPermissionlessValidatorTx, AddDelegatorTx
Present for AddValidatorTx, AddSubnetValidatorTx, AddPermissionlessValidatorTx, AddDelegatorTx
The percentage of total estimated delegator rewards allocated to validator nodes for supporting delegations. Present for AddValidatorTx, AddPermissionlessValidatorTx
The NodeID of the validator node linked to the stake transaction. Present for AddValidatorTx, AddSubnetValidatorTx, RemoveSubnetValidatorTx, AddPermissionlessValidatorTx, AddDelegatorTx
Present for AddValidatorTx, AddSubnetValidatorTx, RemoveSubnetValidatorTx, AddPermissionlessValidatorTx, AddDelegatorTx, CreateChainTx, CreateSubnetTx
Details of L1 validators registered or changed in the current transaction. The details reflect the state at the time of the transaction, not in real-time
Unique L1 validation ID used network-wide to identify L1 validation until its weight is reduced to 0 i.e. removed.
Weight of the L1 validator used while sampling validators within the L1. A zero-weight L1 validator means it has been removed from the L1, and the validationID is no longer valid
Remaining L1 validator balance in nAVAX until inactive. It can rejoin L1 sampling by increasing balance with IncreaseL1ValidatorBalanceTx
The increase in L1 validator balance (nAVAX) in the current transaction. When the balance is returned after the L1 validator is disabled or removed, this value is negative
Estimated reward from the staking transaction, if successful. Present for AddValidatorTx, AddPermissionlessValidatorTx, AddDelegatorTx
Reward transaction hash for the completed validations or delegations
Staking transaction corresponding to the RewardValidatorTx
Subnet owner details for the CreateSubnetTx or TransferSubnetOwnershipTx
Locktime in seconds after which Subnet owners can control this Subnet.
Minimum number of signatures required to sign the Subnet update transactions.
Addresses that are eligible to sign the Subnet update transactions.
A token, which can be sent as pageToken
to retrieve the next page. If this field is omitted or empty, there are no subsequent pages.
Was this page helpful?
import { AvaCloudSDK } from "@avalabs/avacloud-sdk";
const avaCloudSDK = new AvaCloudSDK({
serverURL: "",
chainId: "43114",
network: "mainnet",
async function run() {
const result = await{
addresses: "avax1h2ccj9f5ay5acl6tyn9mwmw32p8wref8vl8ctg",
txTypes: [
startTimestamp: 1689541049,
endTimestamp: 1689800249,
blockchainId: "p-chain",
network: "mainnet",
sortOrder: "asc",
for await (const page of result) {
// Handle the page
"nextPageToken": "<string>",
"transactions": [
"txHash": "3P91K6nuDFvDodcRuJTsgdf9SvYe5pMiKk38HppsoeAiEztCP",
"txType": "AddDelegatorTx",
"blockTimestamp": 1648672486,
"blockNumber": "<string>",
"blockHash": "<string>",
"consumedUtxos": [
"addresses": [
"asset": {
"assetId": "th5aLdWLi32yS9ED6uLGoMMubqHjzMsXhKWwzP6yZTYQKYzof",
"name": "Avalanche",
"symbol": "AVAX",
"denomination": 9,
"type": "secp256k1",
"amount": "5001000"
"consumedOnChainId": "2oYMBNV4eNHyqk2fjjV5nVQLDbtmNJzq5s3qs3Lo6ftnC6FByM",
"consumingTxHash": "3j9JpF1aGuQtLLbo3YkvvKkWrCZViXZjdeJQWUSEY5hcqUn2c",
"createdOnChainId": "2oYMBNV4eNHyqk2fjjV5nVQLDbtmNJzq5s3qs3Lo6ftnC6FByM",
"utxoId": "68vLva9kfKUsX88ZPM8jdbf8qHUZRoZSFH6NdpAVTspkfrXDC",
"amount": "<string>",
"assetId": "<string>",
"blockNumber": "<string>",
"blockTimestamp": 123,
"consumingBlockNumber": "<string>",
"consumingBlockTimestamp": 123,
"platformLocktime": 123,
"outputIndex": 123,
"rewardType": "VALIDATOR",
"stakeableLocktime": 123,
"staked": true,
"threshold": 123,
"txHash": "<string>",
"utxoEndTimestamp": 123,
"utxoStartTimestamp": 123,
"utxoType": "STAKE"
"emittedUtxos": [
"addresses": [
"asset": {
"assetId": "th5aLdWLi32yS9ED6uLGoMMubqHjzMsXhKWwzP6yZTYQKYzof",
"name": "Avalanche",
"symbol": "AVAX",
"denomination": 9,
"type": "secp256k1",
"amount": "5001000"
"consumedOnChainId": "2oYMBNV4eNHyqk2fjjV5nVQLDbtmNJzq5s3qs3Lo6ftnC6FByM",
"consumingTxHash": "3j9JpF1aGuQtLLbo3YkvvKkWrCZViXZjdeJQWUSEY5hcqUn2c",
"createdOnChainId": "2oYMBNV4eNHyqk2fjjV5nVQLDbtmNJzq5s3qs3Lo6ftnC6FByM",
"utxoId": "68vLva9kfKUsX88ZPM8jdbf8qHUZRoZSFH6NdpAVTspkfrXDC",
"amount": "<string>",
"assetId": "<string>",
"blockNumber": "<string>",
"blockTimestamp": 123,
"consumingBlockNumber": "<string>",
"consumingBlockTimestamp": 123,
"platformLocktime": 123,
"outputIndex": 123,
"rewardType": "VALIDATOR",
"stakeableLocktime": 123,
"staked": true,
"threshold": 123,
"txHash": "<string>",
"utxoEndTimestamp": 123,
"utxoStartTimestamp": 123,
"utxoType": "STAKE"
"sourceChain": "2oYMBNV4eNHyqk2fjjV5nVQLDbtmNJzq5s3qs3Lo6ftnC6FByM",
"destinationChain": "2oYMBNV4eNHyqk2fjjV5nVQLDbtmNJzq5s3qs3Lo6ftnC6FByM",
"value": [
"assetId": "th5aLdWLi32yS9ED6uLGoMMubqHjzMsXhKWwzP6yZTYQKYzof",
"name": "Avalanche",
"symbol": "AVAX",
"denomination": 9,
"type": "secp256k1",
"amount": "5001000"
"amountBurned": [
"assetId": "th5aLdWLi32yS9ED6uLGoMMubqHjzMsXhKWwzP6yZTYQKYzof",
"name": "Avalanche",
"symbol": "AVAX",
"denomination": 9,
"type": "secp256k1",
"amount": "5001000"
"amountStaked": [
"assetId": "th5aLdWLi32yS9ED6uLGoMMubqHjzMsXhKWwzP6yZTYQKYzof",
"name": "Avalanche",
"symbol": "AVAX",
"denomination": 9,
"type": "secp256k1",
"amount": "5001000"
"amountL1ValidatorBalanceBurned": [
"assetId": "th5aLdWLi32yS9ED6uLGoMMubqHjzMsXhKWwzP6yZTYQKYzof",
"name": "Avalanche",
"symbol": "AVAX",
"denomination": 9,
"type": "secp256k1",
"amount": "5001000"
"startTimestamp": 123,
"endTimestamp": 123,
"delegationFeePercent": "<string>",
"nodeId": "<string>",
"subnetId": "<string>",
"l1ValidatorManagerDetails": {
"blockchainId": "<string>",
"contractAddress": "<string>"
"l1ValidatorDetails": [
"validationId": "<string>",
"nodeId": "<string>",
"subnetId": "<string>",
"weight": 123,
"remainingBalance": 123,
"balanceChange": 123,
"blsCredentials": {}
"estimatedReward": "<string>",
"rewardTxHash": "<string>",
"rewardAddresses": [
"memo": "<string>",
"stakingTxHash": "<string>",
"subnetOwnershipInfo": {
"locktime": 0,
"threshold": 1,
"addresses": [
"blsCredentials": {
"publicKey": "<string>",
"proofOfPossession": "<string>"
"chainInfo": {
"chainName": "p-chain",
"network": "mainnet"