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Rate Limits
The rate limiting is managed using a weighted scoring system. This allows users to make more basic requests and will better allow Glacier to handle more computationally complex requests.
Rate Limit Tiers
The maximum rate-limiting score for a user depends on their subscription level and is delineated in the following table:
Subscription Level | Per Minute Limit | Per Day Limit |
Unauthenticated | 6,000 | 1,200,000 |
Free | 8,000 | 2,000,000 |
Base | 10,000 | 3,750,000 |
Growth | 14,000 | 11,200,000 |
Pro | 20,000 | 25,000,000 |
To update your subscription level use the AvaCloud Portal
Note that rate limits apply collectively across both Webhooks and Data APIs, with usage from each counting toward your total rate limit.
Rate Limit Categories
The keys and values for each weight are as follows:
Weight | Value |
Free | 1 |
Small | 10 |
Medium | 20 |
Large | 50 |
XL | 100 |
XXL | 200 |
Rate Limits for Glacier Endpoints
The weights for each route are defined in the table below:
Endpoint | Method | Weight | Value |
/v1/webhooks | POST | Medium | 20 |
/v1/webhooks | GET | Small | 10 |
/v1/webhooks/{id} | GET | Small | 10 |
/v1/webhooks/{id} | DELETE | Medium | 20 |
/v1/webhooks/{id} | PATCH | Medium | 20 |
/v1/webhooks:generateOrRotateSharedSecret | POST | Medium | 20 |
/v1/webhooks:getSharedSecret | GET | Small | 10 |
/v1/webhooks/{id}/addresses | PATCH | Medium | 20 |
/v1/webhooks/{id}/addresses | DELETE | Medium | 20 |
/v1/webhooks/{id}/addresses | GET | Medium | 20 |
All rate limits, weights, and values are subject to change
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